Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's called a rough draft for a reason

Replying to your blog post.

It isn't crap. It's called a Rough Draft.

 You're sculpting a story. The first round is getting the basic shape of your sculpture. Later you will reveal all the details and make it something beautiful.

We both experienced the same thing. I switched POV, character, setting, & stories, in Act II as well. We both are essentially telling two stories and merging them.

I got writer's shock when I switched. Different MC and she explains a lot of things that happen in Act II and a bit of foreshadowing for Act II. It is a lot of writing pressure. Plus, both of our second MCs seem a bit "off" as in they have been through something that makes them think differently. I tried to convey a bit of insanity with mine. It is not perfect. It is not "just right"

You don't get it just right in the rough draft. You get it just written. Get over that right now. Stuff the editor and the critic in a trunk and power through. The fear will follow them.

I re-wrote my ACTII beginning at least three times from scratch. Spinning my wheels and I was not happy with the product or the waste of time in re-writing. So, I stopped.

I wrote the first chapter and made myself move on and I did not even need Jim Beam to get it done.

My fear is not finishing the story at all. I've got a scene to write at this moment that I'm not even sure how to make it happen. I'll stew over it for a while and finally force myself to write something and move on. I know already I have a mountain of editing to do when this is all over. I've accepted that.
It may be that you need to accept that as well. It isn't a shameful thing. It is reality.

Think about it. Most wannabe authors die in the rough draft. It flounders and sinks never getting finished. I can easily edit the story later to make it as perfect as can be. That is IF I can only get the story written in the first place. I can't make it perfect if I don't bring it into existence first. If I try to make it perfect as I bring it to life, I'll never make progress.

There is a reason for Nanowrimo's break neck speed. It sets a deadline and the workload is not unreasonable. The objective is to push you forward and make you get past the less than perfect parts of your writing. The goal is to have a finished story at the end of the month. There is absolutely nothing about Nano that expects it to be publish worth in that amount of time.

Love the process. Love your story. Write the damn thing. December is for getting it just right, for now just get it written. The world does deserve your story, so give it to us. You can't leave me hanging. I need the other chapters.

Now, I have to stop procrastinating and get these two scenes written. They are going to be bad and I don't care right now.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you :) And yes, get those scenes written and post the chapters already! or if you uploaded them to Drive, don't forget to share them with me.
